Help Clients Reduce the Pain of Worker's Compensation Claims

Reduce Workers' Comp Claims
Simplify Program Management
Improve Employee Morale

Minimize Workplace Accidents.
Maximize Safety.

Workplace slip & fall injuries cost employers and employees $70 billion each year in workers' comp and medical expenses.

Help your clients reduce workplace accidents and lower costly claims with a Shoes For Crews® managed safety footwear program. We partner with your clients to develop and implement a customized safety program that best fits their needs and goals - and then we manage it for them!

Program Option Details Employee Participation Slip & Fall Cost Reduction* Cost Savings
Company Paid Program Companies pay the entire cost of slip resistant footwear for maximum cost savings. 90-100% 72-80% Substantial
Cost Benefit
Company Subsidized Program Companies partially underwrite the cost of the shoes, and employees cover the rest. 55-70% 40-55% Significant Safety & Savings
Voluntary Payroll Deduction Employees pay for their own shoes through installments deducted from payroll. 20-40% 16-30% Enhanced
Small Business Program Employees pay for their own shoes via credit card. < 20% < 16% Self-Service

*Expected slip and fall reduction is 80% multiplied by the average participation percentage. Many factors contribute to the cost savings you may achieve when implementing a SFC Safety Footwear Program. The largest is the participation rate (% of employees wearing SFC footwear) achieved. Participation estimates by program type are developed from SFC customer experience, which can vary. SFC estimates that your slip and falls may decline by 80% or more when participation in an SFC Program approaches 100%. Factors that may contribute to slips and falls include: first day/new employees, employees tripping on objects, and employees wearing SFC footwear that is more than 6 months old. These are estimates based on actual customer data. Results may vary.

Our Programs:

#1 Company Paid Program


Companies pay the entire cost of slip resistant footwear for maximum cost savings.



Employee Participation


Slip & Fall Cost Reduction*

Substantial Cost Benefit!

#2 Company Subsidized Program


Companies partially underwrite the cost of the shoes, and employees cover the rest.



Employee Participation


Slip & Fall Cost Reduction*

Significant Safety & Savings!

#3 Voluntary Payroll Deduction


Employees pay for their own shoes through installments deducted from payroll.



Employee Participation


Slip & Fall Cost Reduction*

Enhanced Savings!

* Slip & Fall Disclaimer *


*Expected slip and fall reduction is 80% multiplied by the average participation percentage. Many factors contribute to the cost savings you may achieve when implementing a SFC Safety Footwear Program. The largest is the participation rate (% of employees wearing SFC footwear) achieved. Participation estimates by program type are developed from SFC customer experience, which can vary. SFC estimates that your slip and falls may decline by 80% or more when participation in an SFC Program approaches 100%. Factors that may contribute to slips and falls include: first day/new employees, employees tripping on objects, and employees wearing SFC footwear that is more than 6 months old. These are estimates based on actual customer data. Results may vary.

Our Partner Brands

All Shoes For Crews Partner Logos

A Complete Safety Footwear Solution —
Managed By Shoes For Crews.

Save time and resources,
achieve safety goals.

Eliminate the hassle of managing a safety footwear program. The dedicated Shoes For Crews team provides the support needed from start to finish.

Convenient online tools,
all in one place.

Account management, data and reporting, payment and billing, marketing support and online portal for easy ordering.

Industry-leading footwear
solutions you can trust.

Our safety footwear exceeds the most stringent standards in slip resistance across the nation, with proprietary slip-and-oil resistant outsole technology.

Industries and Crews We’re Proud to Serve


5 Signs You Need a Workplace Safety Program

A workplace safety program creates an established guideline to protect employees from potential dangers, improve bottom-line costs and strengthen your company’s safety culture. Don’t ignore these 5 signs that your company needs a safety program!

5 safety tips checklist from Shoes For Crews

Expert Assistance to Minimize Your Risk of Worker's Compensation Claims

Safety managers know that one wrong step can derail an entire company. Avoidable accidents like slips and falls can injure employees, disrupt workflow, and cost thousands of dollars in insurance and worker’s compensation claims. The good news is, there’s an easy way to reduce your risk of costly and time-consuming workplace claims: implementing a managed safety footwear program with Shoes For Crews. 

A slip-resistant shoe policy is a simple and proactive step toward minimizing your exposure to potential workplace claims. At Shoes For Crews, we understand that getting an entire team to participate in a new safety program can be a challenge. That’s why we offer expert assistance. 

High levels of participation and adoption mean fewer workplace accidents. Our safety expert will handle all the details for you, from performing a safety footwear appraisal to ensure your team has the proper slip-resistant shoes for their roles to tracking participation and ROI. 

Our managed safety footwear program will:

  • Provide easy access for your crew. Our flexible payment options include company-paid or subsidized footwear, payroll deduction plans, and a self-purchase option to help drive employee participation.
  • Track participation and compliance. We provide comprehensive tracking and reporting metrics that keep you up to date on compliance and how well the program is performing.


Reduce the Pain of Worker's Compensation Claims

Most bosses wonder how to manage workers' compensation claims. For many companies, the solution to reducing their annual spending on workers’ compensation costs is to invest in a safety footwear program to complement their other safety practices. It just makes sense: Injuries caused by slips and falls in the workplace account for up to $70 billion in medical expenses and workplace claims every year.

The goal of a safety footwear program is to reduce workplace accidents. By choosing a safety program that provides your crew with top-quality slip-resistant footwear, you protect your team against potential workplace hazards. In fact, investing in a managed safety footwear program can reduce workplace accidents by up to 60%. Fewer workplace accidents mean a significant reduction in workplace claims.


Minimize Workplace Accidents. Maximize Safety

Outfitting your crew with Shoes For Crews slip-resistant footwear is the right step in maximizing safety in the workplace. However, not all slip-resistant shoes are created equal. Our slip-resistant footwear carries a high Coefficient of Friction (COF) score, tested and confirmed by independent laboratories, to ensure superior grip on wet or even greasy surfaces a variety of surfaces.

As the leader in slip-resistant footwear since 1984, we accept nothing but the best. Our shoes and boots are subjected to the most advanced and rigorous safety testing available, including internationally recognized ASTM testing standards and methods. We’ve built upon our slip-resistant outsole technology to provide more surface contact, innovative tread designs, and features like waterproofing and EH-ratings to ensure the best shoes for your crew.

Proactive Protection for Your Crew and Your Bottom Line

Are you ready to take meaningful steps to reduce your team’s risk of accidents and injuries? A managed safety shoe program from Shoes For Crews can help keep your workplace safe and avoid costly workplace claims. As a trusted leader in safety for more than 35 years, we stand behind every shoe we sell. That’s why we offer a slip-and-fall accident warranty of up to $5,000 for corporate accounts.

Stay safe and comfortable in the workplace. Get started today to give your crew the best slip-resistant shoes in the industry